Jon Moon

Clarity and Impact

So long & thanks for all the fish

I’ve set my retirement date: 24 June 2025. Let’s call it Trexit – Training Exit. (I thought of calling it Business Reports Exit, but its acronym had already been taken.)

Exactly 20 years earlier, I gave my first all-day training Course to a client, hence why I chose that date for Trexit.

Until then, it’s business as usual. I’ll give Courses, talk at conferences, redo documents, sell books, do email updates, manage strategic solutions in a pan-global environment.

On Trexit day, I'll do one last email update, and maybe even one last Course too. Maybe I’ll arrange a public Course. Maybe a client will book one that day. Watch this space. 

It’ll be a hard Trexit. Post Trexit I won’t do client work – no occasional half-day Courses or conference talks. I'll do any last bits of admin (chase debtors, do accounts, etc). My website will stay live for a year or so.

As for my book, I’ll continue to sell it post-Trexit, until, that is, my existing stock runs out. Or until I decide that posting books isn’t worth the candle. Or until someone makes me an offer for my stock and its 'fulfilment' (anybody interested out there?). 

Announcement over. Hearty thanks and teary good-byes to follow in 12 months.

Jon, 10 June 2024